It is estimated that at least 6 million people need palliative care each year in India, at least 2 million people suffer in agony from terminal illness (such as cancer, HIV/AIDS) without effective pain relief, however shockingly only less than 1% of people who need palliative care actually receive it.

A study comparing end-of-life care, ranked India 67 out of 80, which means, everyday thousands of people are dying in excruciating pain.

We provide vital care for people who are dying and support to families who in the absence of effective palliative care, are often forced into crippling debt.



We work with hospitals that can provide high quality palliative and home based care to those that need it the most. This requires reaching out to the socially and economically marginalised; patients who remain dying in their homes, families who've drained their resources, financially and emotionally, to support their loved ones.

More recently we have funded an initiative on the education of children whose parents are patients in care, so that the devastating effects of cancer and other illnesses don't prevent children from learning.

We also support training of doctors and nurses on palliative care so that more hospitals can set up palliative care initiatives.


We work with Emmanuel Hospital Association's Shalom hospital in the outskirts of Delhi to improve quality of life of patients with life limiting illness such as HIV, cancer, organ failure and neurological diseases and their families by providing total, holistic care.

Along with the hosptial based medical care, the project includes homebased care for patients living with HIV, and for patients with cancer and non communicable diseases (NCD). The project caters to some of the most marginalised communities in Delhi and has a transgender programme offering medical and homebased care for transgenders living with HIV, who are a highly marginalised group.



Our work with Pallium India in Kerala and Tripura, focused on developing a team of trained professionals equipped with expert palliative care and pain management skills.

The projects focussed on improving the lives of those living with life threatening illness and disability. The team take a whole-family approach, build on establishing meaningful relationships and prioritising all of their needs such as nutritional, medical, financial, psychosocial or simply just a listening ear. Depending on the need, care is delivered in house or linked to hospitals.